SAVE -Traffic Offender Intervention Program

Traffic and Highway Patrol
Traffic and Highway Patrol: Explains the NSW road rules and the responsibility of the police and the driver.

Legal - What the Law Says
What the Law says: Explains traffic offences and the ramifications of breaking the law. This module will cover the potential penalties for various offences.

Rescue: Explains the role of the rescue teams involved in the accident scene. This module covers what we need to do at the scene of an accident.

Driving under the Influence
Driving Under the Influence: Covers the effects of alcohol and drugs on the body and the dangers involved when driving under the influence of alcohol and legal and non-legal drugs and standard drinks.

Roads, Vehicle and Insurance
Roads, Vehicle and Insurance: Explains the possible outcomes of any insurance claims if you were to be convicted of driving while intoxicated (drugs or alcohol) or driving in a dangerous manner. The module also covers how your insurance premiums can be affected after being convicted of a traffic offence.

The Real Casualties
The Real Casualties: Shows the participant consequences of their actions and how it affects everyone involved.